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Final conference of the European project CareNET

Brussels Press Club
Rue Froissart 95
B-1000 Brussels
Project partners careNET
Seminar leader:
Laurentiu Bunescu
Tel: 0040 745 500731
Attendance fee:
http://www.carenetproject.eu/final-conference-call-ict-and-eskills-for -social-care/?lang=en

On February 26th, 2014 the final conference of the project CareNET will be organised in Brussels to share the lessons learned and to collaborate with other initiatives of the field and to establish further use of these results.

The CareNet project is aimed at developing a critical set of ICT competences in two identified ‘at risk’ target groups: care-workers and older persons. The project is designed to work in a synergistic way to tackle identified problems in the low skilled and under professionalised care-worker sector while at the same time promoting social inclusion and enhancing the quality of life of older people.

In response to these pressing needs, the CareNET project has identified key digital competences to support inclusion of care-workers in a new world of professionalisation and led on-the-job experiments with household carers in partnership with older people. The methodology led to competence-based learning paths and resources based on cooperative learning between care workers and care recipients to promote improved quality of care and quality of life through the acquisition of care related digital competences. For the presentation of this results the consortium invites practitioners, organisations and researchers to join the consortium in discussing what ways open up for the care-sector in the brave new world of digital inclusion.

The Conference will open with high profile keynote speakers from all around Europe elaborating on ICT skills in social care. Following the presentation of the CareNET project, participants will have the opportunity to learn about the CareNET national cases including a showcase summary. To support networking and to create a possibility for other initiatives to collaborate, the CareNET showcase will be followed by presentations and demonstrations of other similar initiatives’ results.

For the invitation to the conference please click here.

Available on the website since January 28, 2014