Biblioteka Publiczna im. W. J. Grabskiego w Dzielnicy Ursus m. st Warszawy (W. J. Grabski Public Library in Ursus District of the City of Warsaw) is a local information and educational center, which main aim is:
The library consists of four departments and it has been active for over 60 years. All of them are equipped with the various, very modern multimedia devices. The library is the institution deeply involved in Life Long Learning running different types of educational activities. The library organises many courses, workshops and lectures for adults willing to be active and develop new skills.
The library is the site of the University of Third Age in Ursus District which has been organised and maintained by volunteers. To help people who are unemployed the library within framework of the partnerships with the Social Council of the City o Warsaw installed in its departments two special electronic booths for unemployed people. At the same time various educational workshops devoted to the development of important features of the personalities such self confidence and knowing its identity have been organised for adults.
The Library together with Katholieke Hogeschool Leuven, Escola Superior de Educação de Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco and Portalegre, Volkshochschule in Vienna, Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Turkey has developed many attractive intercultural approaches within framework of the project READCOM - Reading clubs for adult learning communities” which was nominated by European Commission as a one of 20 best educational projects of Grundtvig Programme in 2007.
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